Rarely do I get a moment these days just to sit down and update this blog! My energy has resurfaced so I have the mind set to do things, but Jehan is a very focused child (i think that is the adjective I want to use). Anyway, she gets in her mind that "if Mommy opens that computer thing over there, I am going to run as fast as I can and find the heaviest object that I can lift and I am going to throw it as hard as I can at that thing that has all her attention. Oh! and if that doesnt work I am am going to jump into her lap and pretend that I want to breast feed and trick her! Instead I am going to bang the little buttons that she is typing on so fast and watch how mommy screams in frustration AND then Imma jump off her lap as fast as I can and RUN! Yeah that sounds like fun!"
So I just surrender the greater part of my day to doing what Jehan wants! I am trying to get better at giving her specific nap times instead of waiting for her to indicate that she is sleepy. I have not mastered that yet. I guess that comes from her not having her own bed yet, but then again that should not be an excuse. The more she sleeps the more I can get done Right? Wrong, Often times I am walking around in fear of waking her or I hear sounds of her crying but find out that it is just my imagination. I find myself limiting my activities because every other minute I fee l like she is going to awaken! When I put her to bed at night, I fall asleep putting her to bed. As long as I get four hours of sleep, though, I can function by getting up in the wee hours of the morning to get some kind of chores done or internet research or something.