Saturday, October 10, 2009


I AM IMPRESSED! Nur-Jehan knows her alphabets by sight. At first I thought it was coincidence that she knew what a 'B' was and then an 'A'. When she knew what a 'X' was I was convinced that it was time to teach her all the alphabets. I didnt think she would learn them as fast as she did, but she got them all within a week and a half or so. Currently at 23 months we are learning the phonetics of each letter. Her Auntie, Hafeeza, gave her the DVD, The ABC Factory and that is helping. She watches it 2x a day. I go over with her in one of the chosen library books her ABCs and their sounds emphasizing the sounds and exaggerating the sounds as I give sample words that start with the letter. She is definitely catching on. At this rate I am guessing she can be reading by this time next year or sooner.

My challenge with her right now is what to focus on in teaching her. She is excelling at letters and numbers, but not yet at colors i guess because I did not want to overwhelm her (however I have introduced colors, but not made it a focus.)

Learning is an amazing process because children's brains are REALLY like sponges. Everyday there are many new words and phrases. She picks up phrases that me or Kibwe says and we dont even realize how much we say them. For an example: Jehan says "Aaaaw, MAN!" alot. I didnt realize that she got it from me. I didnt realize how much I said this phrase.

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