Monday, June 15, 2009

Her Personality...

Jehan's personality is becoming more defined. She has a pretty balanced temperament. Overall she displays a lot of affection and is even developing a reputation of being a loving child. She delivers a lot of tight hugs and kisses to people that she perceive as nice kids and adult women alike. She is weary of every adult male even family. I am thankful of that. I dont want to force her warm to her male cousins or uncles. She does like Grandad (my father's father) and she blushed a lot with my brother but the others she remains distant.

Jehan has her moments of anger and it is usually displayed by her crying and purposely peeing on herself. As soon as me or her father tell her she cant have or do something that she wants she will start crying and then say, "I pee" and then proceeds to pee on herself. She just start doing this. I dont get upset cuz she is still young to be potty trained (at least according to our american culture) I just tell her, "you cant pee just cuz you're crying." or "you know you hafta pee in the potty. Not in your pants." she understands.

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